Friday, June 25, 2010


My daughter Amy has been such a gift in my life. With eyes that connect, a contagious laugh and a heart that embraces, she has impact. I grew up with brothers, so having a daughter was always a desire yet a complete mystery. With a wife who grew up with all sisters, I learned quickly as I stumbled along. I must say, however, there are some things I will never understand!

Amy has many great qualities but joy is very high on the list. For me, joy is much more than happiness. While happiness may be present, joy runs deeper and can even exist when times are very uncertain and hard. It comes from something much deeper than that which can be purchased or things I occupy myself with.

I believe it comes through knowing that I am part of something greater than myself – both through faith and having a place in community. It involves knowing I am loved, that the number of do-overs allowed exceeds my reach and that others are there to share in life’s hardships and celebrations. I believe joy is a reflection of first being poured into by one or many. A personal gift.

Amy you are a gift as a daughter and special friend. Thank you for being awesome. I can’t wait to walk you down the aisle and watch as you impact those in the days ahead. Blessings from your dad.